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Furnace Relining Activities


Furnace Relining Activities

Furnace relining refers to the process of repairing or replacing the refractory lining of a furnace. The refractory lining is the protective layer that lines the inside of the furnace and helps to insulate it from the high temperatures and harsh conditions inside.
Inspection : The first step in furnace relining is to inspect the furnace to assess the condition of the refractory lining. This involves checking for any cracks, erosion, or other signs of wear and tear.
Removal of the old lining : Once the inspection is complete, the old refractory lining is removed from the furnace. This is typically done using specialized tools and equipment.
Cleaning : After the old lining has been removed, the furnace is thoroughly cleaned to remove any debris or residue.
Preparation of the new lining : The new refractory lining is then prepared and cut to the appropriate size and shape to fit the furnace.
Installation : The new lining is installed inside the furnace using a variety of techniques, including casting, gunning, or shotcreting.
Curing : Once the new lining is in place, it must be allowed to cure and dry before the furnace can be put back into operation.
Testing : Finally, the furnace is tested to ensure that the new lining is properly installed and functioning correctly.

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